Tuesday, June 11, 2013


For anyone who faces cancer, everything is on halt, the world stop turning the way you wishes, plans got disrupted and future seems to be bleak, Nonetheless, whenever I feel like I'm losing control, I make plan in ways I can see and manage and take control again (I'm a control freak, sue me!)

So I come up with CANCEL (Same pronunciation as CANCER) PLAN, it is to prepare myself and anticipate as much as possible what will happen before, during and after treatment. Rather than a chicken with the head chopped off running around. I need to take charge but also expecting changes along the way.

It also means CANCELING all your other plans but make plans to recover in an orderly process, at least for the next 3 months of Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy treatment (Starting on 26th & 28th respectively in June). Below are tentatively what my plans going to be:


Pre Treatment
TCM from Buddhist Free Clinic

In Treatment
Radiotherapy (33 sessions starting on 26th June) & Chemotherapy (6 sessions starting on 28th June), NUH

Post Treatment
TCM from Buddhist Free Clinic 

Eat Well

  • Anti Cancer Food (Vegetarian)
    1. Eat more Green: Mix and match your vegetables: Vary the vegetables you eat from one meal to the next, or mix them together -- broccoli and Kale is an effective anticancer food, and is even more effective when combined with tomato sauce, onions or garlic. Get in the habit of adding onions, garlic or leeks to all your dishes as you cook.
    2. Go organic: Choose organic foods whenever possible, but remember it's always better to eat broccoli that's been exposed to pesticide than to not eat broccoli at all (the same applies to any other anticancer vegetable).
    3. Spice it up: Add turmeric (with black pepper) when cooking (delicious in salad dressings!). This yellow spice is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent. Remember to add Mediterranean herbs to your food: thyme, oregano, basil, rosemary, marjoram, mint, cinnamon etc. They don't just add flavor, they can also help reduce the growth of cancer cells.
    4. Skip the potato: Potatoes raise blood sugar, which can feed inflammation and cancer growth. They also contain high levels of pesticide residue (to the point that most potato farmers I know don't eat their own grown potatoes). So No sugar, if needed, replace with honey or raw sugar
    5. Remember not all eggs are created equal: Choose only omega-3 eggs, or don't eat the yolks. Hens are now fed on mostly corn and soybeans, and their eggs contain 20 times more pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids than cell-growth regulating omega-3s.
    6. Change your oil: Use only olive, coconut and canola oil in cooking and salad dressings. Go through your kitchen cabinets and throw out your soybean, corn and sunflower oils. (And no, you can't give them to your neighbors or your relatives... They're much too rich in omega-6 fatty acids!)
    7. Say "Brown is beautiful": Eat your grains whole and mixed (wheat with oats, barley, spelt, flax, etc.) and favor organic whole grains when possible since pesticides tend to accumulate on whole grains. Avoid refined, white flour (used in bagels, muffins, sandwich bread, buns, etc.) whenever possible, and eat white pasta only al dente.
    8. Keep sweets down to fruits: Cut down on sugar by avoiding sweetened sodas and fruit juices, and skipping dessert or replacing it with fruit (especially stone fruits and berries) after most meals. All the berries have high anti-oxidant. If it's too troublesome, opt for 100% Natural fruit juice. Or juice yourself. Read the labels carefully, and steer clear of products that list any type of sugar (including brown sugar, corn syrup, etc.) in the first three ingredients. If you have an incorrigible sweet tooth, try a few squares of dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa.
    9. Go green: Instead of coffee or black tea, drink three cups of green tea per day. Use decaffeinated green tea if it gets you too wired. Regular consumption of green tea has been linked to a significant reduction in the risk for developing cancer. Lemongrass tea is good as well.

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