Thursday, May 23, 2013

Blogger's Note

I would like to clarify the blog is written based solely on my own observations, reflections and interpretation of Buddhism teachings on how I deal with cancer. It’s not meant to represent the *Dharma (The Law that upholds, supports or maintains the regulatory order of the universe) or scholarly examinations of the teaching of the Buddha.

Neither do I want people to think that I'm getting sympathy by revealing my personal and intimate experiences with cancer, my true intention is to share with others on how we can deal with adversary differently. There is always an option, to make it better or to make it worse.

Also, the decision I made throughout my cancer recovery is based on my understanding. Every one should take some time to explore and consider the different treatment available to you and decide for yourself.

One last thing, by writing this experience on my blog, I could save some saliva when I dry out during my radiotherapy, by not having to repeat myself over and over again to my family and friends whom I’m forever deeply grateful with their love, care and concern. May you be well and happy

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