Thursday, June 6, 2013


Happy Birthday to my dearest Chum, Mary!

The day for my extraction (5 teeth) and biopsy. A little nervous but I've gone through it before, the pre-surgery is very similar to the varicose veins surgery I've done 2 years ago. Fasting and injections. The after effect of GA is better than last time as drip was given to control nauseating and vomiting. Mouth is sore, feels like someone has expanded my mouth and shafted unimaginable into my mouth.

John, another chum of mine who works in NUH visited me and took a picture of me lying in the bed with the gauze sticking on both sides of my mouth like I'm sucking on tampon. My parents and my sister came later, mum is always scared of blood, so my bloody mouth doesn't seem to be inviting for her.

I didn't consume any food the whole day, wasn't hungry as well, maybe because I was swallowing blood like a vampire in True Blood, courtesy to the oozing of blood after my surgery. Seriously, tampon will be so good to absorb the blood.

Since I couldn't talk and eat much, so my cousin, Ivan transform my experience as eating wind (吃风) it metaphorically means "on holiday" in Hokkien. That makes me feel much better...

Blood still accumulated in my mouth, not able to eat, just drink. baby food will be on my menu the next few days. Funny I am also watching Supernatural, Season 8 online where the vampires are sucking blood out from their victims. It wasn't as delicious as I thought!

My mouth is still numb from the biopsy on one of the tooth that's close to the nerve. Asked my friend, Sheung whom is a dentist, It's normal as one would expect some residual of numbness. The nerve is temporarily being compressed by the inflammation of the surrounding tissues from the extraction trauma. Good to have a dentist friend for sure!

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