Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 14 - Heart to heart

Dear Tumor,

It's a brand new week again. I feel like you have been shrinking, judging from the first time I get to know you. The oncologist did say that regardless, 33 radiotherapy sessions is needed by the book. However, he might reduce the dosage of the GY. 

My dear sister came over to deliver a side table, which was needed for me to work on the floor with my laptop comfortably. I then take the opportunity to have a heart to heart conversation, initially, I thought I might push her away as our relationship is not always that open. I do know she is also going through some rough patches, so I wanted to make sure she is fine.

In the past, we have our differences, even though at times, it was an extreme love and hate rivalries where most sibling will undergo. There was once I thought I had lost her but till to recent misfortunes, I discover she has now grown into a sensible, thoughtful and caring sister I have ever wanted. We just need to have an open heart and patient to see the innate goodness of everyone then life can be so wonderful.

After the heart to heart conversation, I'm happy that she open up to me. I know now she is in a better place despite the circumstances, to make plan for her future and knowing her own true self worth.

Till then, I hope you’ll dissolve and evolve into better cell soon.


Your Host

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